Sold House Prices and Property Data for YO11 3AE, Filey Road, Scarborough

Overview of house sales in YO11 3AE.

YO11 3AE has seen 70 property transactions from 19/06/1995 to 27/11/2023. The 70 total house sale transactions is spread among 36 unique properties. The total sales value for all houses sold in YO11 3AE, in this time period, is £10,555,740.

The property with the highest sale price to date in YO11 3AE was 187a, Filey Road, Scarborough, YO11 3AE. This house sold for £390,000 on 27/11/2023.

The lowest sale price recorded in YO11 3AE was for 199, Filey Road, Scarborough, Scarborough, YO11 3AE. This house sold for £53,500 on 29/05/1996.

The first property sale for postcode YO11 3AE was for the property with the address, 229, Filey Road, Scarborough, YO11 3AE - a freehold , semi detached property, which sold for a price of £69,500 on 19/06/1995.

There have been 1 property sales recorded in YO11 3AE, in the last 12 months, with a total sale price of £390,000.

YO11 3AE has 2 different property types of detached , semi detached and the properties in YO11 3AE are freehold .

Quick facts for house sales in YO11 3AE

Most recent house sale in YO11 3AE
on 27/11/2023
Total sales all time in YO11 3AE
from 70 total sales
Highest house sale price in YO11 3AE
on 27/11/2023
Lowest house sale price in YO11 3AE
on 29/05/1996

Location information for YO11 3AE

YO11 3AE is located in Scarborough in the county of North Yorkshire which is in the Yorkshire And The Humber region of the UK. YO11 3AE lies in the Weaponness & Ramshill ward, and falls under the North Yorkshire local authority and is within the Scarborough And Whitby parliamentary constituency.

YO11 3AE has the approximate co-ordinates of 54.2575645 degrees latitude and -0.3863270 degrees longitude - ( 505218 (Easting) / 0485856 (Northing) )

Average house sale price over time for YO11 3AE

The graph below shows the average sale price of houses in postcode area YO11 3AE by year.
The table below also shows the average sale price of houses in postcode area YO11 3AE by year, but in table format.
Year Avg. Sale Price
1995 £69,500
1996 £53,500
1997 £60,917
1998 £65,667
1999 £80,563
2000 £94,250
2001 £85,472
2002 £119,975
2003 £123,100
2005 £167,500
2006 £189,000
2007 £204,667
2008 £205,000
2009 £162,000
2011 £200,375
2012 £184,500
2013 £142,667
2015 £204,790
2016 £227,500
2017 £196,000
2018 £230,000
2019 £225,000
2020 £233,000
2021 £232,500
2022 £240,000
2023 £335,000

House sales by year in YO11 3AE

The charts below show the total sales price (sum of all sales) and the number of sales in postcode area YO11 3AE by year.
The table below shows the total sales price (sum of all sales) and the number of sales in postcode area YO11 3AE by year.
Year Total of all Sales Number of Sales
1995 £69,500 1
1996 £53,500 1
1997 £365,500 6
1998 £197,000 3
1999 £322,250 4
2000 £188,500 2
2001 £769,250 9
2002 £239,950 2
2003 £615,500 5
2005 £335,000 2
2006 £567,000 3
2007 £614,000 3
2008 £410,000 2
2009 £162,000 1
2011 £801,500 4
2012 £369,000 2
2013 £428,000 3
2015 £204,790 1
2016 £227,500 1
2017 £392,000 2
2018 £460,000 2
2019 £225,000 1
2020 £699,000 3
2021 £930,000 4
2022 £240,000 1
2023 £670,000 2

All historical house sales in YO11 3AE

The table below lists all individual house sales in YO11 3AE including the date and sale price.
Date Sale Price Address Property Type
27-11-2023 £390,000 187A , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE DETACHED
24-03-2023 £280,000 249A , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE DETACHED
30-09-2022 £240,000 255 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE DETACHED
11-11-2021 £225,000 229 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
17-05-2021 £250,000 241 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
26-03-2021 £235,000 177 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
04-02-2021 £220,000 221 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
23-11-2020 £210,000 201 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
31-01-2020 £237,000 159 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
15-01-2020 £252,000 213 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE DETACHED
30-08-2019 £225,000 153 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
30-11-2018 £200,000 215 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
06-09-2018 £260,000 239 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE DETACHED
06-10-2017 £167,000 177 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
17-07-2017 £225,000 239 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE DETACHED
29-06-2016 £227,500 191 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
25-09-2015 £204,790 213 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE DETACHED
12-12-2013 £198,000 205 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
20-08-2013 £125,000 153 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
15-03-2013 £105,000 159 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
02-03-2012 £184,000 207 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
27-02-2012 £185,000 215 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
16-12-2011 £230,000 187A , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE DETACHED
28-10-2011 £175,000 209 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
21-07-2011 £219,000 231 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE DETACHED
25-01-2011 £177,500 189 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
10-11-2009 £162,000 207 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
30-04-2008 £215,000 237 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
19-03-2008 £195,000 203 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
16-11-2007 £195,000 191 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
08-08-2007 £264,000 249 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE DETACHED
15-05-2007 £155,000 239 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE DETACHED
19-12-2006 £162,000 175 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
14-06-2006 £225,000 173A , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE DETACHED
23-01-2006 £180,000 197 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
05-12-2005 £162,500 205 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
12-05-2005 £172,500 191 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
02-10-2003 £129,000 217 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
15-08-2003 £125,000 215 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
01-08-2003 £126,000 237 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
04-07-2003 £132,500 159 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
30-05-2003 £103,000 175 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
27-09-2002 £129,950 207 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
02-05-2002 £110,000 229 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
20-12-2001 £113,000 247 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
17-12-2001 £75,000 189 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
19-10-2001 £87,250 207 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
16-10-2001 £73,500 177 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
22-06-2001 £78,000 185 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE DETACHED
01-06-2001 £105,000 173A , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE DETACHED
23-02-2001 £82,500 191A , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
18-01-2001 £70,000 215 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
11-01-2001 £85,000 255 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE DETACHED
17-11-2000 £119,500 173 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE DETACHED
12-10-2000 £69,000 241 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
03-12-1999 £107,000 211 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE DETACHED
02-09-1999 £91,250 249A , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE DETACHED
30-07-1999 £69,000 187A , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE DETACHED
20-05-1999 £55,000 201 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
18-12-1998 £68,000 195 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
30-03-1998 £67,000 187 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
16-02-1998 £62,000 231 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE DETACHED
02-12-1997 £54,000 225 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
27-11-1997 £66,000 193 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
05-09-1997 £60,000 197 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
29-08-1997 £60,000 185 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE DETACHED
14-04-1997 £63,000 213 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE DETACHED
28-02-1997 £62,500 191A , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
29-05-1996 £53,500 199 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED
19-06-1995 £69,500 229 , FILEY ROAD , SCARBOROUGH , YO11 3AE SEMI DETACHED

Notes about the data.

Data source: Contains HM Land Registry data © Crown copyright and database right 2024. This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

The property transaction data on this website was last updated on 29 April 2024. It covers property transactions in England and Wales, registered with HM Land Registry, for the period from 1 January 1995 to 28 March 2024.